How do you use Whatsapp on your computer

Whatsapp is a great service for messaging people from your phone. It's so good, in fact, that there's an app for computers, tablets and smart phones. This article will show you how to download and use the computer app, so you can keep in touch with friends and family on your laptop or desktop. A computer app might seem unnecessary to use when you have Whatsapp on your phone. After all, if you're using your computer, wouldn't it be simpler to just log into the website? Well, the answer is yes—but only if you're used to typing messages full of emojis on your phone. If you take advantage of the keyboard and mouse instead of tapping out messages with your fingers, then you may find that it's worth downloading the desktop version.

Simply download the Whatsapp program for your desktop operating system and you can begin typing messages via your keyboard.

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